Privacy Consent Declaration for the Likeminded WebApp

In the course of using the Likeminded WebApp, we process special categories of user personal data for some of the functionalities available in the WebApp, namely health data in the form of data on your mental/psychological well-being. This data is processed in order to provide users with the wide range of services offered by Likeminded. This requires a legal basis according to Art. 9 GDPR. Likeminded is an independent platform operator, but not a member of a health profession (e.g. a doctor), so Likeminded requires the consent of users because of the processing of health data to provide our services.

During registration, we therefore ask you to provide your consent with the following content and scope.

I hereby give Likeminded GmbH, Charlottenstraße 13, 10969 Berlin, Germany, as data controller pursuant to Art. 4 No. 7 DSGVO, my consent to process the personal data listed below, which includes data regarding my (mental/psychological) health, for the following purposes: 

Subject of the processing / data concerned

Implementation and evaluation of an online survey after registration in the WebApp (health questionnaire, stress level, work-related stress (optional), experience with stressful situations, topic preferences, product usage preferences (preferences in selection of psychologist, language, gender, age group). 

Implementation and evaluation of an online survey on the user's mental well-being (questions on mental well-being, health questionnaire, burnout, stress level)

Disclosure of the answers from the user survey to the supervising psychologist  

Conducting a one-on-one session via online video conferencing (In one-on-one sessions, personal and work-related topics are discussed individually in 1-to-1 video sessions with qualified therapist(s) or psychologist(s)), processing login credentials, link to video conferencing, topic selection. 

Conducting an exchange group appointment via online video conferencing (In exchange groups, users gain insights into the experiences of like-minded people dealing with the same issues), processing of registration data, link to the video conference, topic of the group appointment.

Conducting group workshop appointments via online video conferencing (Group workshops provide practical tips and strategies in a safe space with peers and psychologists). Processing of registration data, link to the video conference, topic of the group workshop.

Conducting a webinar with survey via online video conferencing (webinars are educational events on various topics related to mental health. Participation here is anonymous, without camera or microphone), the survey contains topic-specific reflection questions that may relate to the (mental) state of health), processing of registration data, link to the video conference, topic of the webinar, collection/analysis of responses from survey.

Conducting an online meditation/exercise via online video conference, processing credentials, link to videoconference, topic of meditation/exercise.

Tracking the use of the offer by the user and his interaction with the Likeminded WebApp (information about which product features are used by the user). 

Purpose of processing

Evaluation of the user's answers for the purpose of algorithm-generated recommendations on suitable Likeminded offers) and overview in personal user dashboard based on the response to the online survey and the use of Likeminded's offer.

Evaluation of the user's answers for the purpose of algorithm-generated recommendations on suitable Likeminded offers) and overview/visualization (continuously updated) on mental well-being in personal user dashboard based on the response to the online survey and the use of Likeminded's offer.

Enabling the psychologist to prepare for Likeminded sessions/formats booked by the respective user.

Psychological support, organizing and enabling the user to participate in one-on-one meetings.

Psychological support, organization and enabling the user to participate in exchange groups.

Psychological support, organization and enabling the user to participate in group workshops.

Organizing and enabling the user to participate in the webinar, anonymous exchange of experiences between users.

Enabling the user to participate in online guided meditations/exercises, learning a psychological method, for direct application to everyday life.

Developing the best possible and personalized offer in the web app based on the user experience and usage of the offer by the user.

Your consent is voluntary. You can revoke your consent or consent at any time, e.g. by e-mail to informally and without giving reasons with effect for the future. The revocation of consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the revocation. Please note that without your consent to the processing of health data for the above-mentioned purposes, you will not be able to use the Likeminded offer in the WebApp, as we cannot properly fulfill the contract with you without this processing. With the revocation of your consent, the user agreement concluded between you and Likeminded therefore also ends. If you revoke your consent, your account will be irrevocably deactivated. For more information about the processing of your personal data and your rights, please see our Privacy Policy."


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